First public livecode

First public livecode

April 26, 2016
News, Tech

Last night I stumbled into my first public outing of some livecoding I’ve been working on in SuperCollider. The context was an improvisation night called In Tandem run by Bruce Wallace at the Academy of Music and Sound in Glasgow. I hadn’t intended to play, as I really don’t feel I’m ready yet, but I had my laptop and cables with me, they had a projector, so…!

I was jamming along with three other people, on bass, guitar and analog synth. It all went by in a blur, but everyone there seemed to think what I was doing was ok – mostly making grooves out of a random collection of drum samples, but running some algorithmically chosen chords as well.

The code is below: this is my screen exactly as I left it at the end of the night, mistakes and all. Although Toplap say ‘show us your screens’, they don’t say ‘show us your code’, but… it seems the right thing to do.

// the end! // they still going // if you're curious, this is SuperCollider // musci programming language // writing code live is called, er, livecoding // i'm just starting out "/Users/jsimon/Music/SuperCollider Recordings/hitzamples/".openOS;

( s.waitForBoot{ Pdef.all.clear; // clear things out ~hitzpath="/Users/jsimon/Music/SuperCollider Recordings/hitzamples/"; // a folder of samples ~hbufs = (~hitzpath ++ "*.aiff").pathMatch.collect({ |i|, i)}); // samples into an array of buffers t = TempoClock(140/60).permanent_(true); // tempo 140 bpm u = TempoClock(140/60 * 2/3).permanent_(true); // tempo 140 bpm * 2/3 SynthDef(\bf, {|out=0 buf=0 amp=0.1 freq=261.6255653006| var sig =, buf, * freq/60.midicps, doneAction:2);, sig * amp) }).add; // this whole chunk defines a synth patch that plays samples }; // Pdef.all.clear; //"/Users/jsimon/Music/SuperCollider Recordings/".openOS; // t.sync(140/60, 16); ) (instrument: \bf, \buf: ~hbufs.choose).play; // play an event using the synth called \bf // pick a randoms sample from the array (instrument: \bf, \buf: ~z).play; ~z = ~hbufs.choose; t.sync(140/60, 32); // gradual tempo changes possible u.sync(140/60 * 2/3, 16); v.sync(140/60 * 5/3, 16); Pbindef(\x, \instrument, \bf, \buf, ~hbufs.choose).play(t).quant_(4); Pbindef(\y, \instrument, \bf, \buf, ~hbufs.choose).play(u).quant_(4); Pbindef(\z, \instrument, \bf, \buf, ~hbufs.choose).play(v).quant_(4); Pbindef(\z, \instrument, \bf, \buf, ~hbufs.choose).play(v).quant_(4); ~g1 = {~hbufs.choose}!16; // choose sixteen samples at random = one bar full ~g2 = {~hbufs.choose}!16; Pbindef(\x, \buf, Pseq(~g1, inf)); // play those sixteen samples chosen Pbindef(\x, \buf, Pseq(~g2, inf)); // different sixteen, so, a variation. Pbindef(\x, \dur, 0.5); ~d1 = {2.rand/10}!16; ~d2 = {2.0.rand/10}!16; Pbindef(\x, \amp, Pseq(~d1, inf)); Pbindef(\x, \amp, 0.2); Pbindef(\x, \note, Prand((-36..0), inf)); Pbindef(\x, \note, Pseq({(-24..0).choose}!16, inf)); // pitch each sample down by random amount Pbindef(\x, \note, nil); Pbindef(\x).resume; Pbindef(\x).pause; Pbindef(\z).pause; Pbindef(\y).resume; // hmm. blx diminished, that's just C major! // was using \degree instead of \note, better sounds a bit more like messiaen now :) ~c = {var x = Scale.diminished2.degrees.scramble.keep(4).sort; x.insert(1,(x.removeAt(1)-12))}; // hexMajor thing also works beautifully now! ~c = {var x = Scale.hexMajor6.degrees.scramble.keep(4).sort; x.insert(1,(x.removeAt(1)-12))}; ``// next question might be changing \note, \dur and \root in a coordinated way ( Pbindef(\k, \note, Pstutter(Prand([5,7,9,11,13]*2, inf), Pfunc(~c)), \dur, 0.5, \root, 3, // best option for feeling of key change \amp, Prand((2..5)/70,inf) ).play(t); ) Pbindef(\k).pause; Pbindef(\k).pause;