April 15, 2018
I’m interested in now taking the SuperCollider livecoding techniques that I’ve developed in the context of algorave and applying them to the creation of fixed media sound works. Here is one, using some prepared piano samples that Dr Kurt James Werner has been kind enough to put online.
[audio src=“https://tedthetrumpet.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/pylon-country.mp3"][/audio]
It’s not perfect: there is still a strong element of improvisation in this way of working, and there are places in this track where, on listening back, I might have wished to have performed differently.
April 12, 2018
As part of the team that organised the third METRIC Improvisation Intensive at the Royal Conservatoire of Glasgow, I did not have as much time as I might have liked to improvise myself. I was pleased however to be joined for an impromptu livecoded session by Anne-Liis Poll, Professor of Improvisation at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjlTZuKa7iw?rel=0]
This did not quite turn out the way I had intended!
July 14, 2017
My institution, The Royal Conservatoire of Glasgow, have sent me on a trip to make connections with a number of potential partners in Indonesia, including the UPH Conservatory of Music, the Jakarta Institute of Arts (IKJ), and Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta (ISI Solo). I’ll also be visiting Singapore to see Setan Jawa, and talk to the producers about bringing this to Glasgow for a Festival of Gamelan and the Moving Image that we are planning here for September.
March 8, 2017
Next Friday I’m going to to be taking part in a 24 hour online algorave event wearefive to celebrate five years of the algorave movement. By accident or design I’m on back to back with co¥ᄀpt (aka Sean Cotterill) who is one of only a couple of us livecoding in pure SuperCollider, rather than the by-now overwelmingly popular TidalCycles.
Sean has been putting together an interesting set of pages on his approach to livecoding in SC, particularly on the things that need to be set up beforehand.
January 3, 2017
Over the winter break I’ve been spending some time working on my livecoding/algorave setup in SuperCollider. Here’s a quick practice run, this is how things are going at the moment.
The most recent idea here is the \warp synth, a granulator slowly reading through a choice of soundfiles. In this particular run, I think the .choose threw up a fragment of a Stokowski Bach transcription https://archive.org/details/J.S.BACH-OrchestralTranscriptions-NEWTRANSFER and perhaps a bit of the theme tune from The IT Crowd as well.
August 12, 2016
When I was at emfcamp last week, I saw a couple of instances of people layering up visuals with their code. Claudius Maximus had that going with his clive system, SonicPi (and Gibber??) can do it out of the box, and Shelly Knotts had some sort of setup for (I think?) doing it completely within SuperCollider, with the cool idea of a webcam pointing down at her hands on the keyboard.
July 28, 2016
Sooner or later, I’m going to have to get back to the ‘ol soldering iron:
I have a plan: to reconstruct the PE Minisonic you can see above, that I made while I was in school. I still have some of the boards…
July 13, 2016
Show us your screens! Ok, well at last maybe I’m ready. Here’s five minutes or so of me improvising in SuperCollider that’s not as embarrassing as some of my other attempts:
The code is on GitHub if anyone is madly interested.
December 11, 2011
[soundcloud url=“http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/30240394"]
Not be much to listen to, maybe, but feels an important moment for me: a new direction after finishing the PhD, satisfyingly far away from score-based contemporary ‘classical’ nonpop, or whatever you call all that stuff. Next up: more of this kind of thing, plus more gamelan. Happy days.
December 8, 2011
I’m doing, um, I guess my first ever solo electro-junk improv gig on Friday 5 December. Ulp. Here’s the poster… I’m almost embarrased to say:
Let’s see, the plan includes… a Pd patch running on the netbook, probably SuperCollider running on the (new secondhand) MacBook Pro. The Novation BassStation and the Hammond AutoVari 64, a mixing desk, and a pocket trumpet with a piezo mic inside a harmon mute. That’s what I’ve been experimenting with so far, anyway…